Monday, May 24, 2010

Three days, three very different rides

Let's begin with Thursday. It was a beautiful warm spring day. I had an evening event to attend so I jumped on my bike after lunch and knocked out a quick 13 miles up to Rockford and back. Then on Friday Ian and I planned on attending our teammate Sarah Andro's JDRF fundraiser at Grand River Grocery. We were going to ride to Ada, do the fund raising ride and then ride home. It would have been 35 miles. However it rained most of the day, so we got a car ride down to Ada when the rain stopped. Then we started the fund raising ride and the rain returned. It was quite reminiscent of last year's Killington ride. Very hard rain, but luckily about 10 degrees warmer. We ended up only doing 10 miles. After the ride we had some good food (and I had a tasty Magic Hat Wacko) as we tried to get dry in the event tent. Best of all our teammate Chris Radford gave us a ride home.
On Sunday we had an official JDRF team ride that left from our house. We did a large loop the crossed the Rouge River 3 times, went around Meyers Lake and past Pickeral Lake, and through Townsend Park. There were 20 folks in attendance and we did the 40 mile route in 85 degree heat. Well, actually only 7 of us did the full route. Mary and about half the group took the 26 mile short cut down the White Pine Trail. A few more cut off the last loop that took us down Egypt Valley and Pettis to avoid the last few really big hills. The entire route was quite hilly with almost 1000 feet of climbing. Just getting us ready for Death Valley in October. And that makes over 60 miles in the saddle this week for me.

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