Saturday, June 22, 2019

First day of Summer

Yesterday was a beautiful day, warm and sunny with light breezes. A perfect day for a ride and to complete a goal. This spring the weather has been pretty crappy, so I haven't ridden the amount of miles that I normally would. At the start of the day I needed 26 miles to hit 300 for the season so far. So I made it a goal to get to 300 miles on my afternoon ride. I started by heading south to the credit union to cash a check. I then came back north across the Jupiter bridge, taking advantage of the new bike lane. Then it was onto the White Pine Trail. I rode all the way to Indian Lake Road before turning around. On the way back I stopped at Rockford Brewing to have a pint outdoors on their trail side deck. After that little reward for closing in on my goal, it was a short five miles home. 26 miles in total and exactly 300 miles for this year.

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