It's always a bit odd to me when we do our JDRF ride in August. We train and plan all year for that ride, then, in the middle of summer, it's over. There's still a lot of great riding weather left, but my motivation to train is not quite the same. However, I have gotten out for some pretty fun rides since we got back from Colorado.
Kaat and Mike with their special certificates. |
A couple of weeks ago was the Century of Centuries ride. Our coaches Mike and Kaat, have been riding a century every month for the past eight year. This month was their 100th month in a row. So lots of people joined them for all or part of the ride. Personally I got in 45 miles. We then had a big party at Riverside Park to celebrate their accomplishment. This is also the end of the streak since later this month Kaat will be having kidney replacement surgery. She has done an amazing job riding and coaching while also dealing with kidney failure.
Last Saturday I did a solo solidarity ride. A number of our team mates were in Saratoga Springs, New York participating in their JDRF ride. While they were riding 100 miles in the east, I rode 35 miles out to my parents house in Lowell. It was nice to get a ride in and visit my parents.
Tonight I jumped on the mountain bike and rode the Rouge River Nature Trail. It's not a especially challenging ride, but it's close and gave me a chance to get on the fatter tires for only the second time this summer. I have to do more of that now that we're getting into the fall.